Eugene Wedding Photographer | Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art | Jessica & Erik
Yes, this will be my longest blog post to date. Yes, this wedding was amazing. Yes, this couple is great.
Details, huh? Well, I thought I was going to be in for a long day when my 70-200 2.8L came off the lens mount and fell to the concrete within the first two hours of the day! For those of you that have no idea what I’m talking about; my $1600 lens that I use more than anything at most weddings got a bit of a boo-boo. Bad news. Though bummed, I went about business as usual and managed just fine with the rest of my gear. Good thing I have enough to cover myself when accidents happen!
The rest of the wedding, went absolutely amazing. I definitely wasn’t in for a bad day! Jessica & Erik were so great to work with and the bridal party was a lot of fun. They made some jokes, I made them do some silly things, they called some of my shots prom poses, they got all gangsta in the museum, Erik’s dad wrote and read a poem at the reception, and there was mac and cheese. What a blast!
And, a big thanks to Dustin for assisting me on this one. The amazing Rachel Rainey couldn’t be at this one, and Dustin helped out a ton; carrying gear, spotting good moments, holding bouquets, feeling bad for broken lenses, etc, etc.
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