A huge thanks to the Krause family for being super flexible with the weather and my schedule! We finally made this happen and it was amazing! They had me come up to Portland Oregon to shoot some photos of their adorable family including their two year old daughter who was hilarious. We started off at their house in Portland and then headed to Gabriel Park near Multnomah Village. The light that evening was perfect and we had so many options and perfect backgrounds for photos. We basically explored, laughed, played, relaxed, etc.; it was perfect!
I chose to do quite a few film toned effects while editing using Replichrome film presets. I’ve included the regular color versions for the Krause family as well as some black and whites, so don’t be worried. Not all of my images have this warm-toned, low-greens high contrast look to them! I just though it was really fitting for this amazing couple and their daughter. Cheers!
And just for good measure, here’s a few I shot on film too! These are shot on Kodak Portra 400 and scanned by Indie Film Lab.
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